Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Christina Aguilera's post-pregnancy body is proving a hit with husband Jordan Bratman.
The 'Dirty' singer who gave birth to son Max Liron in January lost her famously toned physique when she fell pregnant, but revealed Jordan loves her enlarged boobs.
She said: "I haven't quite got back to my pre-baby weight yet, but I'm loving my body right now. My husband loves my cleavage in particular!
"I've just got back into the gym and I'm doing some boxing and weights. I want to be totally back in shape for when I start putting out my next record."
Christina who is the face of Stephen Webster's new jewellery collection also said she has no plans to put her unique sense of style on the backburner now she is a mother.
She added to Britain's Grazia magazine: "No way! I still get dressed up and I still wear lovely jewels. You don't want to be wearing great big diamond necklaces with a little baby, but it's nice to get a bit dressed up.
"It's special but its more every day. It suits exactly how I feel right now every day I just wake up happy."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Heidi Klum is one of the few women that the older she gets, the sexier she gets. Here she is in a Ranking photoshoot, and in my opinion, it’s her hottest photoshoot ever spread to date. And not just because she’s naked and wearing body paint for pose, or because she’s in a bikini. And definitely not because we get a little glimpse of her bare ass. No, it’s Heidi’s hottest photoshoot ever because we get a little bit of every thing in the same one!

Monday, February 11, 2008

It appears that Paris Hilton’s boobs got enough of her torture, squashed up in her tide dress being too push up by a meanness bra and decided is time to get out of this mess.
So, they popped out from her dress in a hurry in a middle of her performance at The Estate in Boston.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Wow! Those breasts look so big, but like she always fool us she does it again. Wearing a glamorous lace dress and a snow-white fur, which I hope is not real, just like her cleavage, Paris Hilton was posing for paparazzi outside the Liberty Hotel in Boston.
Whatever she does and however she does it she manages to capture our attention now and then with some little tricks that she keeps in her sleeve.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

At her first post-pregnancy appearance, Christina Aguilera looks amazing while promoting her new DVD at West Hollywood Best Buy.
It appears that motherhood does her really good, specially when she still has those gorgeous breast.
Anyway I am sure she would look much better with less make-up on. I wonder when she is going to give up that mask.

I was curious about that and finally my curiosity was tame down by the new issue of Rolling Stone Magazine, which offers some insight in Britney Spears’ unknown mystery.
One of the revelations, which capture my interest was the story about how she got breast implants when she was still a baby, I mean when she was still developing into a woman:
“ As a teen, the singer’s mother, Lynne, allowed her to get breast implants. But after going under the knife, “she regretted the implants, particularly because her chest was still growing,” a friend says. “When her natural breasts became larger, she had the implants removed.” But Spears kept the surgery a secret. Adds the friend, “When other girls did their boobs [they admitted it] and moved on, but Britney was brought up to lie about herself.”It should be a law to forbid these kind of interventions till the teen is at least 18 and can decide for herself. The parents are the bad character in this whole story…but who am I to judge, but I am sure this major incident scared Britney Spears life, more then we can ever imagine.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

At the Atlantis Paradise Island last night Rihanna is showing her nice butt in a skimpy outfit while performing. She is showing more and more lately, not being afraid to get naked for some popular magazines, like we already know.
In a hungry for sex society you can’t ask for a role model for kids, which can’t learn anything good for the people that they admire.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Here is Paris Hilton in action, I mean working. Since her funds were cut down she means business. When it comes to not having money she gets serious and puts her little ass to work.
She is posing topless for the new issue of 944 Magazine, looking pretty good. Just because she is working she started to gain a little respect from me and maybe not only from me.
Anyway is a big change and the video for the photoshoot doesn’t look bad at all. Just check it out: